Anthony de Jasay: After Socialism, what?, in: National Review, May 27, 1991, pp. 25-29

Anthony de Jasay: Public Goods: Contribution and Benefit, in: Journal of Public Finance and Public Choice, Vol IX, 1991

Anthony de Jasay: The Quality of Life in Capitalist and Socialist Economies, in: Paper for the PWPA Colloquium on “The Common Heritage and Future of Europe” in Dubrovnik, 1-5 October 1987

Anthony de Jasay: The Ethics and Mechanics of Social Democracy or Having it Both Ways, in: Economic Affairs 7,Institute of Economic Affairs, pp. 34-37, 1987

Anthony de Jasay: Pour une tyrannie paresseuse, in: commentaire 10, p. 317-325, 1987

Anthony de Jasay: Stocks et Flux dans le Système de Paiements Internationaux, Bulletin de la Banque Nationale de Belgique, December 1961

Anthony de Jasay: Politica Nazionale e il Mercato Internazionale dei Capitali, Economia Internazionale, August 1960

Anthony de Jasay: Inflation, Income Distribution and Instability, Studi Economici, August 1960

Anthony de Jasay: The Working of the Radcliffe Monetary System, Oxford Economic Papers, June 1960

Anthony de Jasay: New Tasks for Central Bankers, Banca Nazionale del Lavoro, Quarterly Review, June 1960